


Hi. It's kind of been a while to write a diary.

I totally forgot keeping doing it. So, I will restart it from now on.

Also, I decided to write what I did and thought in English. It's good for practicing English, right? :D

Now I am in the United States, but I have got to leave here in only a month.

I just have only a month left here. That's sort of sad to me.

I think I can do more wonderful things here, in America.

Recentlly I kinda felt depressed. Such kind of feelings made me more worthless.

But now I realized one important thing: I can change my mind by my way of thinking.

Positive people are not really positive. They just behave positively. Which made them look positive. And they end up being positive in their mind.

I feel this is the point. Everyone is not perfect. No one can be perfect.

However, no one should feel that they are worthless or silly.

You have to accept that you are not perfect. At the same time, you have to accept that perfection is not everything.

We are inperfect. That's why we can feel happy when we got over some difficulties and grew up to a better person.


Today I watched one lecture from TED TALK.

It was about the relationship between body languages and powerfulness. The lecturer talked about how and when people feel they are powerful or powerless.

She states the important thing is that people should behave more confidently if they want to have more powers.

She recommends the audience to pose a powerful posture for just two minutes.

If you do so, you get to feel you are powerful.


What I was impressed the most in her lecture is "Don't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it. Do it enough until you actualy become it and internalize."

All she talked in the speech is very impressive to me.

I sometime feel I am so powerless, and I really care about others too much.

But it's a natural thing. It happens to everyone, so it just happens to me too.


Well, bye for now!!